
Software prerequisites


In order to run TDK you need to install Java 17+ first.

Various Java 17+ builds from a number of vendors are available, some free options include Eclipse Temurin and Liberica JDK, but you can use any Java 17+ build available in your organization.

Check the version of Java on your machine with the following command:

java --version

If Java is installed correctly, this command should run successfully, and the major Java version shown in the output should be 17 or higher.


To download TDK please visit this page.

Set your license key

A license key is needed to unlock all features. You can run the software without a license key in a "free" mode.

Please contact us for more information about obtaining the full version.

Environment Variable

Before running the software, save the license key to an environment variable called SYNTHESIZED_KEY:

export SYNTHESIZED_KEY="{your license key}"

Hidden Folder

Create a text file in ~/.synthesized/key that contains only the provided license key.

mkdir ~/.synthesized
echo {your license key} > ~/.synthesized/key

Check your installation

tdk --version