
Running demo databases

To run the following examples on your machine, you should first:

git clone
  • Start PostgreSQL instances and pgAdmin using the following commands:

cd tdk-tutorial-databases/
docker-compose run databases

pgAdmin will be available at http://localhost:8888 with the password postgres.

IDE Configuration

Any aspect of TDK operation can be further configured with YAML using the full power of this language, including anchors and aliases.

It’s recommended to use integrated development environments (IDEs) to edit YAML files. With the IDE Setup guide for TDK, you will get automatic editing suggestions from IDEs, and your TDK configurations will be verified for errors "on the fly".

Configuring and running TDK

Firstly, we can get the default configuration by running TDK with the dry-run command. In this case, TDK prints a default configuration based on the source database schema and data, but doesn’t execute it.

tdk \
    --input-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6000/postgres --input-username postgres --input-password postgres \
    --output-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6001/postgres --output-username postgres --output-password postgres \

And we can create and use our configuration file with our parameters and scenarios:

tdk \
    --input-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6000/postgres --input-username postgres --input-password postgres \
    --output-url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6001/postgres --output-username postgres --output-password postgres \

For more information, you can check the configuration reference.