Command-line interface


In order to run the application, the host needs to have the following installed:

  • Java JDK 17 or higher. The version can be checked with java --version.


To see the available options when running the CLI, execute tdk command with the --help flag.

tdk --help
Usage: tdk [-hV] [-c=<config-file>] [-i=<inventory-file>]
           [-ip=<input-password>] [-ips=<input-password-secret>]
           [-iu=<input-url>] [-iU=<input-username>]
           [-iUs=<input-username-secret>] [-op=<output-password>]
           [-ops=<output-password-secret>] [-ou=<output-url>]
           [-oU=<output-username>] [-oUs=<output-username-secret>] [COMMAND]
  -c, --config-file=<config-file>
                  Configuration file
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --inventory-file=<inventory-file>
                  Inventory file with information about using data sources
      -ip, --input-password=<input-password>
                  Input password, default to null
      -ips, --input-password-secret=<input-password-secret>
                  Input password secret in JSON format, default to null
      -iu, --input-url=<input-url>
                  Input database URL
      -iU, --input-username=<input-username>
                  Input username, default to null
      -iUs, --input-username-secret=<input-username-secret>
                  Input username secret in JSON format, default to null
      -op, --output-password=<output-password>
                  Output password, default to null
      -ops, --output-password-secret=<output-password-secret>
                  Output password secret in JSON format, default to null
      -ou, --output-url=<output-url>
                  Output database URL
      -oU, --output-username=<output-username>
                  Output username, default to null
      -oUs, --output-username-secret=<output-username-secret>
                  Output username secret in JSON format, default to null
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  help                    Display help information about the specified command.
  diagnostic, dg          Collect diagnostic information
  default-config, dc      Print built-in default configuration (can be
                            overridden in the user config)
  dry-run, dr             Print the effective configuration instead of running
                            the transformation to the console (by default) or
                            to the file (specified as `-ec` parameter value)
  json-schema, js         Print json schema for configuration YAML file
  license-expiration, le  Print the expiration date of the license key

If you need to set additional properties for the CLI, you can create an file in the same directory and set values there, e.g. SECRETS_GCP_SECRET_MANAGER_ENABLED = true.

You can find a list of supported application properties here.