[experimental] Diagnostic package

The diagnostic package is a collection of scripts capable of collecting the most important information about a database without exposing sensitive data.

The summaries help us to identify database schema limitations in specific cases in order to find the best approach for processing your schema.

This feature is experimental and supports only MSSQL databases.

CLI diagnostic package

The TDK command-line tool introduces two commands for this purpose: diagnostic and list diagnostic.

Usage: tdk [-hV] [-c=<config-file>] [-i=<inventory-file>]
  [-ip=<input-password>] [-ips=<input-password-secret>]
  [-iu=<input-url>] [-iU=<input-username>]
  [-iUs=<input-username-secret>] [-op=<output-password>]
  [-ops=<output-password-secret>] [-ou=<output-url>]
  [-oU=<output-username>] [-oUs=<output-username-secret>]
  diagnostic [-r=<reports>] [-f=<output-csv-file>]
  lists, ls     List of supported reports for the current database

The example below illustrates how to collect all the summaries into a single CSV file.

tdk \
    --input-url jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;encrypt=false;databaseName=test --input-username test --input-password test \
    --output-url jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1434;encrypt=false;databaseName=test --output-username test --output-password test \
    diagnostic -f=/diagnostic_summary.csv

You can specify a specific list of required reports by using the flag -r or --reports. The list of supported reports can be gathered by the following command:

tdk \
    --input-url jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;encrypt=false;databaseName=test --input-username test --input-password test \
    --output-url jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1434;encrypt=false;databaseName=test --output-username test --output-password test \
    diagnostic lists

> Reports [Id, Description]:
    check_constraints               List of check constraints
    columns_data_type               Columns data type
    columns_data_types_basic        ColumnsDataTypesBasic
    columns                         Columns list
    constraints                     Constraints list
    cyclic_table_references         List of table references with cyclic
    databases                       Databases list
    find_related_tables             List of related tables
    foreign_keys                    List of foreign keys
    indexes                         List of indexes
    indexes_space_stat              List of indexes space statistics
    rules                           List of rules
    same_columns_in_multiple_fks    Same columns in multiple fks
    schemas                         List of schemas
    schemas_relations               List of schemas relations
    table_data_types                List of table data types
    tables                          List of tables
    triggers                        List of triggers
    user_defined_data_types         List of user defined data types
    user_permissions                List of user permissions
    hardware                        This report contains hardware statistics of executing machine